Bar nem sokat blogolok, s meg annal is kevesebbet lakkozom mostanaban, azok vasarlasarol pedig emlitest sem tudok tenni, egyetlen marka meg mindig nagyon lazba tud hozni. Ez nem mas, mint a Picture Polish.
Hello Ladies!
I do not blogging a lot lately, not even talking about polishing my nails and buying nail polishes, but there is still one particular brand that is able to make me so excited. Yes, we are talking about Picture Polish.
Mindig csodalattal nezegetem az Instagram kepeket a szebbnel szebb lakkokrol es nemreg egy gyenge pillanatomban rendeltem is parat, meghozza a Moscow, Paris es az extra limitalt Holiday arnyalatokat sikerult megkaparintanom. A lakkokat a Prettypolish ( ) oldalrol rendeltem, 13€ ugyan darabjuk, a szallitasi koltseg pedig 4-6€ kozott mozog, de sokkal tobb lakkjuk van, mint a belga shopnak, ugyanennyi osszegert. 50€ felett pedig ingyenes, amit valljunk be, nem nehez osszepakolni.
I always admire the Instagram pictures about these amazing shades and not so long ago I had a week moment and I ordered some of them, namely: Moscow, Paris and the very limited Holiday is also mine.
I ordered from Prettypolish ( ), who is the retailer in the Netherlands. The price is 13€ and the shipping is around 4-6€, but they have more shades than the belgian webshop for the same price. Plus, the shipping is free over 50€, and lets say, its not so hard to order for that amount.
A shipping szupergyors volt, a lakkok megfeleloen vedett csomagolasban erkeztek, tenyleg semmi panaszom nem lehet.
Shipping was superfast and the products were very well-protected, so no complaints, I can only recommend them.
Ma a Parist szeretnem Nektek bemutatni, ami egy nagyon erdekes, leginkabb korallosnak mondhato szin, de nagyon nehez pontosan meghatarozni.
Today I wanna show You the Paris, wich is a corall(-ish) shade, but really hard to precise the exact colour.
Nem igazan tudok sokat mondani rola, azon kivul, hogy eselyes a kedvenc tavaszi lakk kategoriaban, minden mas a szokasos PP, amit elvarunk. :)
I can't say too much about it, except that it can become my fav spring colour, all the rest is the usual PP, what we expect from the brand.
How do you like Paris? And the new shades? What are the must-have shades for You guys right now?
Ez a Paris fantasztikusan tetszik. :))
VálaszTörlésDe szép mind! :)